-My Motto:
"The secret to success and happiness in your career is to do what you love and you will never truly have to work a day in your life"

-About Darin-
I first dove into the world of photography in my early teens and realized that it was exactly what I wanted to do with my life.
I am a 5x Cancer Survivor of Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and during the years of down time going through treatment and recovery, I found my love for photography and videography all over again. (I grew up with my mother's photography passion rubbing off on me in my childhood, and developed "The Eye" from early on, as going on photography shoots was my daily routine after school).
I have been a hobbyist photographer ever since, and have over the years decided to make a living at it since it's what I truly love to do.
Ever since drones and aerial technologies became available I fell even deeper in love with the passion after I discovered that my camera lens could go anywhere I wanted it to, and was no longer bound by the two dimensional plane. Once my camera got wings, so did my imagination ,and my love for the art of photography has never stopped growing. My skill only increases the more I practice and the more I shoot.
My skill sets are diverse and stem from a self-taught internet education, and vary from videography and video editing, to graphic design, sound FX and music production, voice-overs, Logo design, and much more. I do my artwork both by hand, as well as with digital mediums.
I am now a Part 107 Licensed Commercial Drone Pilot, Architectural Photographer and Graphic Artist, with a diverse set of talents. I have developed years of knowledge designing and creating visual elements in the digital creative work space with programs such as:
-Affinity Designer
-Affinity Photo
-Adobe Photoshop
-Adobe After Effects
-DaVinci Resolve
... but my favorite hobby is photography, whether that be in hand or from the Air. I'm a content creator at heart and and love to express myself through these mediums. I find joy in photography and truly LOVE what I do. I hope others can be captured by the motto of: "A picture is worth a thousand words" when looking at my work.
I know how important it is to be innovative when it comes to work, which is why I am constantly researching industry trends to stay at the forefront of the creative world. Would you like to learn more about my work? Get in touch with me today.